Storms and Raising Children — Wordle

When my first child was very small, the most difficult thing for me was not being able to rest or have a quiet time.  When I needed God the most, He seemed so far away.  It was as if I was in a boat adrift at sea, with a great storm pounding all around me.  I prayed and prayed and begged God to take this storm away, and to give me the things I felt I needed:

1). Rest

2).  Quiet Time With Him

He didn’t seem to be willing to give me either.  I fought and struggled against the wind and the waves; I shouted to Him in the storm and I even accused Him of not wanting to be alone with me!

Then one day it all changed.  He told me the storm that was troubling me was the one inside me.  I was fighting against Him instead of trusting Him.  He told me He would gladly calm the storm inside me, if I would let Him.  I submitted to Him, and the storm was immediately calmed.  Oh, the baby still wasn’t sleeping all night and I still was not always able to sit down quietly with my Bible, but His Peace reigned within me.  I no longer fought against Him, and He started showing me the wonders of His creation, the truth of His Presence, and the sufficiency of His provisions.  I saw Him in all that happened — all through the day — and it wasn’t long until I was able to have those “Quiet Times” again.  For as we all know, children grow up and leave all too soon.

The chorus of the song by Scott Krippayne goes like this: “Sometimes He calms the storm with a whispered, “Peace, be still.” He can settle any sea, but it doesn’t mean He will. Sometimes He holds us close and lets the wind and waves go wild. Sometimes He calms the storm and other times He Calms His child.” Isn’t that beautiful?

I’m glad I learned the concept of letting God calm inner storms so early in life.  When those storm are at peace, the ones on the outside don’t matter.  I’ve certainly faced some storms, but having a calm, peaceful inner Spirit has been such a joy & calm assurance in the midst of anything I face.

Here are some other Wordles that have arrived.  As always, you can click on the image to see it better:

“Time Travel” — Jeremy Jarvis

“Passion” — Alyssa — See also Passion Conferences

“Family” — Patty Peterson

I need Wordles for next week, so make sure you send me some!